Hi,Ā I'mĀ Jarvis Mejias!

Founder ofĀ This is Married Life

My wife and I got married on July 15th 2006. We have a solid marriage, but it wasn't always that way. Just two years into our marriage we almost got divorced!Ā 

After turning our marriage around, we were able to experience the joys of married life. We learned how to communicate with each other in a healthy way.

We learned that marriage did not have to be boring and unfulfilling. Marriage could be exciting, full of purpose, and adventures!!

Now through This Is Married Life Experience And Community we want to help other couples from all walks of life have breakthroughs in their marriage.

Here's How This is Married Life Can Help You!

Our program is a safe space where married couples can come together, talk about their ups and downs, grow together, overcome past hurts. After watching how God saved so many marriages we decided to start This is Married Life Community! Once you become a member you will have access to content put together by us. Content that is designed to help you and your spouse overcome and heal from past hurts. Click here to learn more.